Friday, November 9, 2007

Joan of Arc

Stanley, Diane. 1998. JOAN OF ARC. Ill. by Diane Stanley. New York, NY: Morrow Junior Books. ISBN 068814330

*Plot Summary

Joan begins her life as an ordinary peasant girl, but following the commands told to her by visions of angels, Joan goes on to inspire leaders, warriors, and commoners alike. During the Hundred Years’ War, Joan of Arc sets out to save France.

*Critical Analysis

Author Diane Stanley’s attention to detail is evident in this beautiful and well-written biography. Stanley begins her book by thanking Dr. Katherine Drew, a Professor of History Emeritus at Rice University "for her careful reading of the text." Next, she offers background information about the Hundred Years’ War to set the stage for Joan of Arc’s actions. The book ends with a description of the events following Joan’s execution, including the eventual clearing of her name and her entrance into sainthood by the Catholic Church. In this description, Stanley points out the “miraculous visions and voices” experienced by Joan have been explained in different ways by different historians throughout time. She respectfully informs readers that “no historian has been able to do more than spin the occasional theory. Sometimes, in studying history, we have to accept what we know and let the rest remain a mystery.” Finally, Stanley includes a bibliography and a list of her recommendations for younger readers who want to learn more about Joan of Arc.

JOAN OF ARC is a biography that is both well-organized and carefully designed. After the brief description of the Hundred Years' War, Stanley explains Joan's life in a simple sequential order. Although the book has no table of contents, its short length makes browsing easy as the book can be read in one sitting. Also, adding to the user friendly design are Stanley's colorful illustrations. Each double-page spread includes one page of text and one of illustration. The pictures are in the style of Middle Ages artwork and add to the overall feel of the book. JOAN OF ARC also includes a pronunciation guide and a map of France showing territory controlled by England and Burgundy and territory controlled by Charles VII. The combination of beautiful artwork and well-detailed yet reader friendly text makes for a wonderful biography.

Finally, Stanley's style of writing makes the life of Joan of Arc come alive. Stanley is passionate about the subject matter and her enthusiasm and sense of her audience is evident from the first lines. "Imagine your country is at war. The fighting is not at some faraway place but right where you live." Statements such as these inspire curiosity from young readers. Additionally, Stanley's writing encourages critical thinking among readers as they are given various explanations and options in order to draw conclusions based on the text. All in all, Diane Stanley successfully brings due attention to a great historic figure through her research, understanding and respect for her audience, and well-chosen details.

*Personal Response

I thoroughly enjoyed this picture book biography, and I look forward to reading more biographies by Diane Stanley. I love her voice in writing and the way she is able to explain involved historical situations clearly and accurately. Although I haven't shared this book with any students yet, I hope to do so as I predict they will enjoy both the history, story, and interesting illustrations.

*Review Excerpts

"Appealing to the audience's intelligence and imagination, this book stimulates an interest in both its particular subject, Joan of Arc, and history in general."
Publishers Weekly *Starred Review*

"This magnificent picture book exemplifies the author's talent for historical research, skill in writing clear and interesting prose, and ability to adopt different art styles and techniques appropriate to her subject."
School Library Journal


-Research further Joan of Arc's life (perhaps learn more details of her childhood).
-Research other important events and people depicted in the book (Charles, the Inquisition, the Hundreds Years' War).
-Connect Joan's bravery and determination to other historical figures.
-Read other biographies and fictionalized accounts of Joan's life as suggested by author Diane Stanley at the end of the book.
-Make connections or do further research of other courageous females in history.

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